We believe all children deserve to have a healthy and beautiful smile


Our goal is to offer the best dental care for your child with the most comfort


My first visit

Your first visit at Smiles 2 Be Pediatric Dentistry is not only about our team getting to know you and your child, but also about you getting to know our team. In the time we spend together, we encourage you to ask questions, express your concerns, and share with us anything you want us to know to help make your child’s care as individual as they are.

Part of getting to know your child  and providing safe, personalized support involves reviewing your child’s medical history. Certain medical conditions and medications can influence their treatment protocols – so you will be asked to provide a list of your child’s medications and their dosages (including vitamins and supplements).

Next, a full-mouth series of x-rays and a comprehensive oral exam of your child’s teeth, gums, mouth, and jaw will be performed, including a non-invasive oral cancer screening.

Financing & Insurance

We can help you maximize your benefits. We recommend that you contact our office prior to your appointment to provide us with insurance information for verification of benefits. We accept most major dental insurances and will file most claims for you as a courtesy.

We will provide you with an explanation of your dental benefits and financial responsibilities up front, and work with you to ensure financing, if needed. We work with most insurance companies, so be sure to speak with a representative about your coverage for dental treatments.

The best type of treatment is preventive

We believe that the best type of treatment is preventive care. By taking proactive steps to maintain your child’s oral health, you can help them achieve a lifetime of healthy smiles. Preventive care starts with proper oral hygiene habits. Teaching your child the fundamentals of brushing, flossing, and maintaining a healthy diet lays the foundation for strong teeth and gums.